After the Christmas Eve program, we drove home and put out cookies and milk for Santa. We had decorated cookies the day before and each girl picked out one of their own cookies to leave out. Claire chose that stocking in the middle with 28 red hots on it. We crossed our fingers and hoped that Santa liked spicy cookies.
On Christmas morning, Claire was thrilled to discover Santa had left her the one thing she'd asked him for - a snow globe. And then, not more than two hours later, she was dancing around with it when it slipped out of her hands and smashed to smithereens on the floor. Talk about a Christmas disaster. In true Claire style though, after shedding a few tears she took it all in stride. And a few days later, we found a surprise present from Santa on our doorstep with a new snow globe inside.
Ella was so excited to get the Molly doll she'd been hoping for. Since Molly was being retired by American Girl and had already sold out in stores and online, she was really nervous that she wouldn't get it. But Santa pulled through.
The girls took turn opening presents. That's Lucy in the background hunting for presents with her name on them. The whole morning we kept hearing, "Do you see L-U-C-Y? I found another L-U-C-Y!"
Patiently waiting her turn with an L-U-C-Y present tucked under her arm:
It didn't take Lucy long to change into her new princess dress and tiara, put a new outfit on her Bitty Twins, and take them for a walk around the house in their new double stroller.
And with that, Christmas is in the books. Until next year...